Participation of FR Group in the In Company Program of the ESE Business School

Meeting with the Farmers Association.
25 August 2023
Celebrando en FR Group 🇨🇱✨
2 October 2023

With great success, we participated yesterday in the In Company Program of the ESE Business School, E3, where 66 employees from the entire FR Group holding attended, including representatives from different regions. In this activity we had the opportunity to address issues relevant to our role, focusing on how to design and manage effective and efficient service experiences for our customers.

The Speakers of this valuable experience were Natalia Yankovic, Ph.D. in Decision, Risk and Operations from Columbia University, and Guillermo Armelini, Ph.D. from IESE, University of Navarra. His orientation allowed us to deepen the importance of delivering an efficient and differentiating value proposition over time, thus generating a positive impact of our operations in the insurance market and better service for our clients.

We are happy for the learning acquired during this training opportunity and we are sure that this knowledge will be very useful to improve and strengthen our service offer.